STREETS OF ENCOUNTER tells the story of choreographer Ivaldo Bertazzo who works with teenagers from the slums of Sao Paulo. Bertazzo’s work takes them on a journey of discovery that goes beyond dance and becomes an exploration about themselves and their relationship to society. Although the performances are breathtaking, Bertazzo’s aim is not necessarily to turn the kids into dancers but to give them tools for the rest of their lives. The film follows them into their neighbourhoods, shows them in performance in Brazil and on tour in France.
LOIN DES FAVELAS raconte l’histoire de Ivaldo Bertazzo, un chorégraphe extraordinaire qui travaille avec des adolescents des taudis de Sao Paulo. Le travail avec Bertazzo lance les jeunes sur un voyage de la découverte qui dépasse la danse, un voyage d’exploration d’eux-mêmes et de leur rapport avec la société. Le film les suit dans leurs quartiers et met en lumière leur performance époustouflante au Brésil et en tournée en France.
• Prix Gemeaux, 2008 (Best Arts Documentary)
• Platinum Remi, Houston International Film Festival 2008
• Silver Chris Award (Best in Category) Ohio Film Festival 2007
• Jury Selected for screening at FIFA, Montreal 2008
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